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Poodle Reverse Sneezing and Vomiting

18 14:04:59

Hi, my 8 1/2 y/o poodle woke me up this morning doing something that sounded like reverse sneezing. (She's never done this before to my knowledge) She was breathing very sharply in through her nose and out through her mouth.
I brought her downstairs and gave her fresh water then, let her outside. She pooed just like normal. When she came back in we went back upstairs to my bedroom and she vomited all over my bed. I cleaned it up and brought her back downstairs. She's thrown up 4 times in 2 hours.

I called my dad to see what he wanted me to do. He told me to put her outside and that she was throwing up because she ate clumping kitty litter. He refuses to take her to a vet because "it's a waste of money"  Theres nothing I can do to stop her from eating litter when Im not at my dads house. The cats are his and he doesnt want me to move the litterbox.  

Im so worried about her and I didnt really know where else to come for help. Im 15 so I cant take her to the vet myself. Is there anything I can do to make her more comfortable?

Dear Erin,
It is always a challenge when you want to help your pet and your parents disagree with your choices.  Since she was healthy up to this point, and it sounds like he knew that, I would not worry too much today.

do not give her water. Give her a bowl of ice cubes - it keeps her hydrated but she cannot get too much water in a lap so less likely to vomit.

If she does not eat dinner, or is vomiting more and feeling lethargic, ask your dad again.

Now, this is the time that you can do internet research to learn how you can actually become a healer of your own dog for any problems.

You can learn Reiki (which can take the "bad" out of vaccines and any needed drugs, or even make food healthier), massage, HTA (healing touch for animals), TTouch, acupressure, flower essence therapy and aromatherapy, all of which are 100% safe to use for any problems (see REIKI below). you can use these to heal your dog for no money (once you read the books, watched the videos or took the classes), so this should be ok with your Dad.

Personally, I think every person who lives with or works with animals must know at least Level I Reiki. The practitioner offers this energy and the animal comes over to get it (or places her hands upon the animal), or it can be done from a distance, even around the world with the intent for healing to occur. The energy flows through the healer into the animal. This is based on directly applying Chi (energy) to rebalance the energy field so it no longer needs to produce the physical symptoms. It is a very good adjunct to any healing modality, especially to relieve pain and inflammation. I have seen cats who began to eat again when their food was treated with Reiki. It also "takes the bad out of" things. By doing Reiki on smelly water in restaurants I have been able to drink sweet tasting and smelling water. Use Reiki anytime that you must give injections, vaccines, drugs, flea or heartworm drugs, or other substances with potential toxicity. Reiki is great to calm animals, relieve discomfort, and can deeply heal some problems in some animals.  

1. Great information on Reiki - Kathleen Prasad is a wonderful teacher and works with my favorite sanctuary and holistic education center, BrightHaven Kathleen leads a free monthly telechat for anyone trained in Reiki and using it with animals.
3. If you cannot find a Reiki Class near you (same class for people and animals as it connects you through an "attunement" to the healing energy of the universe, making you a channel of healing), the following groups offer long distance, free, attunements.

       c. offers free Reiki attunements, classes and training on-line         and animal classes, too
       d. Long distance healing and training is at  
       e. Christine at, To receive free distance Reiki send her your first name only, city and state, and whether or not you have had any Reiki training.  She invites you to include your pets as well.  She uses a teddy bear and does a full body Reiki distance treatment for one hour each Sunday evening from 9 p.m. until 10 p.m. EST.
4. has articles and Maryland holistic practitioners listed.