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18 15:09:23

Hi doc, what you would do to treat a localized demodex infection? My chihuahua mix with another breed (?) is 5 months now and was dx w/ demodex b/c she had a small focal spot of hair loss on her back (skin scrape confirmed).  It looked like lighter hair but it ended up being less hair in that circular patch.  I was offered an aggressive tx of ivermectin injections, mitabin dip bath, and goodwinol ointment all at once.  I did it once and  she was lethargic and vomited.  So I did not take her again.  Will this just go away on its own or do I have to do the 8 tx the vet recommends? Do you know of any natural non-toxic remedies? ireally don't want her to go through that aggressive tx.

I do recommend the treatment as your vet prescribed.  If the pup reacted to the amitraz dips, then just continue the ivermectin. Amitraz is very effective and there is an antidote to the drowsiness that it causes called yohimbine.  In most pups, as their immune system matures and becomes competent, the demodex will go away all on its own.