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my newborn chihuahua is acting weird

18 15:16:00

hi well I just wanted to ask what's wrong with a newborn chihuahua that i have.  The mom had one female and one male.  The male one died, it seems that the mother kill him.  My neighbor is the owner of the mother so she came to my house and brought me the female chihuahua that it was only two days old because the mother didn't want to give her milk.  We instantly bought her the formula that she needs and everything. She is ow 8 days old and we named her Pixie. But since today she is acting very weird.  She is more weak and is crying all the time.  We really dont know what to do and we don't have enough money so we can take her to the vet. Besides she is not eating that good anymore, what can i do?

Oh No...I am sorry you don't have enough money to go to the vet.  You can try some pedilyte liquid ( electrolyte solution) and give her 1 cc or more every hour.  
I am sorry, but it sounds like she will die without a vet.. Don't let that mom have any more puppies...Please get her spayed.
YOU don't want this to happen again.

Sorry, there is not much that I can do for you.

Good Luck
