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strange birth

18 15:19:15

i Have A small orange tabby And last night it gave birth. Me and my wife watched as she had 2 kittins thinking she was verry small and seeing that the contractions had stoped we assumed that her litter was just 2 kittins when we woke in the morning to check her out there were 3 kittins and 1 severed kittin head there was no body in the baskit where they were birthed we think it may be due to her being so small but are not sure. any ideas on what happened would be helpful

Hello:  So sorry about the one that did not make it.  I wonder if mom ate the kitten.....???  Sometimes, when the kitten is sickly, the mom will eat the ill kitten.

Just don't know an answer on this one.  Like you said, very odd.

You can ask one of the other experts this quesiton..

Sorry, I just don't know.

Marie Peppers

The Doggie Chalet Hotel

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