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A very sick Chihuahua

18 16:06:18

I am writing in the behalf of a friend. She has a Chihuahua puppy that is 14 weeks old and weights about two pounds. This puppy has had an episode of vomiting several weeks ago and taken to the vet. June was told to give him baby food with baby rice cereal to give his system a rest.

Now two days ago he started the vomiting again. He was lethargic and unsteady on his feet. She took him to the vet where they did a blood sugar test. It was 30 well under normal. They gave him some supliments and watched him for several hours. He was supposed to take Nutrical and baby food. He was reall good with the baby food but hated the Nutrical.

Last night he started the vomiting again. At one point June saw what could have been a tiny bit of blood. June took him at that point to the Emergency Vet Clinic that they have in California. They put him on IV fliuds.

One of the things that they are testing for is "portosystemic vascular shunt" June went and picked her pup up this morning and brought him to her own vet hospital. He is on IV fluids and was given a bit of food about an hour ago.

Do you have any input or suggestions? Or any ideas? Like me June's furry kids are her life. Please respond. I am in Montana so I can not be there in person for her.  

A shunt could be a possibility--bile acids test and an ultrasound would need to be done.  However, puppies that do not eat and vomit will not be able to regulate their blood sugar as well as an adult.  The vomiting could be due to a sensitive stomach, dietary indescretion or a virus.  I would make sure he is on an-all natural, easy to digest puppy food as well as supplementing his diet with probiotics and digestive enzymes.