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parvovirus enteritis

18 15:45:41

Our 9 month old puppy Katie became sick and passed away within 3 days.  We were concerned about what could have happened so we took her to a diagnostic lab for an autopsy.  I just received the report and it reads " The significant finding in this animal is lesions that are typical of parvovirus enteritis.  The damage to the small intestine has most likely resulted in invasion of organisms such as Staphylococcus aureus which has been disseminated through the body and specifically to the lungs".  I'm wondering how she got parvo if she had all her vaccines as a puppy?  Also, I am concerned about our other dogs, one of which is her brother.  They have their vaccines too but are they still at a risk of getting it?  They all slept together.  I could not find any info on this on the web, all sites say to have them vaccinated to prevent this which we did.  By the way, she was a mixed breed but her mother is a staffordshire bull terrier, father is mixed.  

Im sorry to hear about your baby.

Parvo is a nasty little bug that puppies subcumb to very quickly if not treated before the major symptoms arise.

Yes, they can still get it even if vaccinated since the vaccines just help carry over what immunity the mother gives them.

DO take your other puppy to be seen by the vet. Watch him closely for inappetance, diarrhea or lethargy.

The older dogs have a decreased chance of getting it. Make sure the yard is clean and any area the puppy was in, clean it well with 10% diluted bleach.