Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > constipation


18 15:13:41

My 18 yr old crf feline is very constipated. I can feel the hard stool.He has been at the vet x 2 for this.  He got 2 enemas at the vet on Thursday. No results this is Sat. On Lactulose and Cisapride 3cc tid. Miralax 1/4 tsp. Started pumpkin. Has wet food. Eating well. Sub q fluids 100cc 1-2 days.Could I give him an enema and what supplies to use? Qny other suggestions? Cat is easy to work with. I value any help that another lpn could offer. Am people nurse

Hi susan - You can buy supplies from Revival Animal health - this is the site - I wonder if you can find cat enema products at your local pet store?
You can also double up on the canned pumpkin.
Sorry, I don't have any other ideas

You may need to have the vet do an enema again.
Get the products from Revival for the future..

BEST wishes...

Marie Peppers