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My cat with tick fever

18 15:13:25

Thank you for your response. I am in South Africa.
The blood test results that came back have indicated that he has somehow injested poisen and is suffering from severe liver  damage as apposed to the orginal diagnosis of tick fever.

I am worried that the ensuing costs will be astronomical but can you really put a price on your pet?

He is aneamic and weak and his red blood cell count is very low. But my vet said that he is a relativly young cat and could pull through.

In your opinion, will he recouver completly or should i just let him go gracefully.

Realise this is a very difficult question to answer but i am feeling so helpless and don't know what to do.

Thanks for your help.

on the subject of supplements etc. what can you recommend for cat dermatitis? My female tabby suffers terribly with this and i would like to help her in some way.

Oh No, I am so sorry - Poison and Liver failure is a very LONG shot for survival. I understand if you need to put this baby to sleep.
Only you can make that decision.
As for the other cat - get some Acidophilus 1 billion CFUs - give 1/2 per day...It should help

BEST of luck and I am so sorry for your ill cat ...
