Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > I am doing a career project for my Ag Life Science and I need to know a few questions...

I am doing a career project for my Ag Life Science and I need to know a few questions...

18 15:22:08

Your Question was:

OK, so first I need to know...

5 responsibilities you have?

Your daily schedule while working and Duties you do?

level of education? (how long did it take?)

staring salary?

safety precautions you take?

and that's all please answer these as descriptive as you can, please
and thank you!

    Sincerely, Amy.

Sorry Amy but we are not allowed to answer homework questions. I would suggest that you call a local vet and ask them these questions. If these are for a tech then ask for the technician and I am sure they would love to answer these for you.
If you can, go to the clinic and ask to see the vet or tech for a class project. Most vets love students that are interested in Veterinary Medicine.
That is about all I can give you.
Have fun!