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Bleeding anus?

18 14:09:00

Hi. My name is Sarah and I have a Shar Pei/ Beagle mix. She is 1 year old and will get fixed next week, had all of her shots. She may have had a litter before we got her. She has a bleeding anus. It is not severe bleeding, but it looks pretty bad. Her anus is pink, tiny blood tinges,also, when I lift the tail to look, it looks like her anus is going to fall off. Please help!

If it looks that bad you better call your vet!! Unless she is in heat, she is eating something that is making her have frank (bright red) blood when she has a bowel movement.

She could also have an abscess by her rectum or her anal glands could be infected.
In either case it sounds like she needs to be seen before next week.