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my cats doesnt understand that she needs to chew

18 15:55:27

just over a year ago, i adopted two kittens. they are brother and sister. the problem is that almost every time olivia eats dry food she gets sick. i've noticed when i clean it up that the food is not chewed,  it is whole pieces which leads me to believe that the reason she is getting sick is that she refuses to chew her food. i don't think that she is allergic to her food. she only get the best. i feed her wellness. i feel bad for her and any help would be greatly appreciated.
thank you

Many cats won't chew and eat their food whole--like little vacuum cleaners.  And many cats eat too fast.  One option is to try bigger kibble such as that made by Nutro Natural Complete.  I feed this to my cats and they have to chew it because it is so big and very rarely do they vomit.