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Dog not putting weight on hind legs

18 14:04:26

I have a 2yr old blue nose pit bull. This morning before I left for work he wasn't putting weight on his left hind leg. I rubbed him up and down the leg and hip feeling nothing out of place and he didn't show any sign of discomfort. When I got home tonight,I was told he wouldn't put weight on either leg. He is laying near me and still isn't showing any sign of discomfort other than he won't put any weight on his legs. Other than that, Bo isn't showing any other symptoms of discomfort. What could cause this?

Hi there, It is very difficult to know without examining your dog in person. Do you have vet nearby? Do you live in a paralysis tick area? Sorry I can't be of more help, really hard to say without physically examining your dog for signs of injury or disease. If there is generalised weakness in both hind limbs it could be due to hip dysplasia, neurological disease, metabolic disease or any number of causes.

Hope your dog improves, but I would suggest a trip to the vet.
