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dog poisoning

18 14:45:09

My eight year old dog has been poisoned with carbamate, he has been treated by the vet with a drip,valium/injections and charcoal.  We got him to the vet within two hours.  Today is his 4th day of recovery but my concern is that he is very weak, he has head tremours and his tongue hangs will this go away and how long will these symptoms last.  Please advise if there is anything else I can do.  

I am sorry to hear that Shirley. Carbamate is a potent poison and in two hours he may have absorbed some of it. Have you contacted your vet about his condition now, 4 days later? I have not seen a dog still be that weak 4 days post treatment unless they actually absorbed some of the poison.

If I were you I would call the vet or the on call clinic and describe his condition to to them. I would think that he should be up and feeling better by now.

The symptoms you are describing are constant with exposure to organophosphates, and carbamate is one of them. The tremors may not go away, or the hanging tongue. The prognosis for a dog that shows symptoms is very guarded.

That is why I think you need to get this dog back to the vets asap.

Here is an article on the treatment of organophosphates:

It just says the same thing I did. I hope he recovers completely, but you need to call your vet as soon as you can.