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My pitbull is 13 and pooping in his sleep

18 14:55:37

My 13 year old pit-bull has been for the last 1 1/2 years had a consistent cough i would almost liken it to an old man cough, does it have significant meaning? Also we have noticed lately that in the middle of the night he seems to poop himself, what should we do?

13 is very old for a pit bull. Coughing can be anything from heartworms to heart failure. A visit to the vet can tell you what it is.

Incontinence in older dogs is not unusual.Fecal incontinence is less common but happens. That can be a sign of impeded nerve function along the spinal column.

In a deep sleep the rectum relaxes too much due to diminished nerve functions and then the stool slips out.

Ask the vet to give him something to increase his CNS functions when you take him in for the cough.