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Depressed Cat

18 15:14:55

I hope you can help me. My cat has been able to be both in and out...his choice. He is a sweet cat who will not fight:) This is the 2nd time he had to go to the vets because of another cat hurting him badly! My vet said, "NO MORE GOING OUT! Sonny is not a fighter he is a lover and too sweet". So for the last 4 wks at least he is kept inside, on the screened porch or can go outside in the cage I made him. The cage is 4'Deep, 12'wide and 6'tall with a roof. I even left bushes in it for him to play in. I installed padded shelves at different heights AND gave him roll up blinds plus a blind that covers half of the roof all to shield him from the hot FL sun. I put a large tree branch in there too and covered it with jute to scratch on. It is all made from closet shelving...which I can't afford to put in my own closets:) All he does is sit around all day down in the dumps. I know because his eyes are half closed. Now if I sit out in the cage he is better or if I play nuts in the house he is better. WILL HE EVER GET USE TO THE CONFINEMENT? I feel so sorry for him. I think he has a lot of room to play in. And I promise you I am not a crazy person; even though it's sound like it when I reread this.

Hi Paula - I wish I could live with you guys...!  I would be treated like a queen!  I am sure, in time and with a little help he will be fine.  Sounds like you are a wonderful cat person and pet lover!

Here are some supplements that may help your boy.
Let me know how he does on them...give him at least 30 days or more:

( Natures Sunshine):

( they can get your order out tomorrow:  Quick shipping)

Excellent Mood Elevator for depressed pets - Give 1-2 per day....

Vitamin E - ( give one per day )
Pop the capsule with a pin and put the liquid into his food, mix well.

NuVET Labs:

NuVET Feline Formula - This is a must for your cat kid!  Build the immune system and strengthen his nervous system - This should help him and if not, they guarantee results.
Here is the ordering info-
Make sure you order the NuVET feline powder - mix into his wet food each day.

Make sure you give this VET order code ,  81098  ( Marie ) - they can't sell to the public without this vet/breeder code...

Give him some time - He needs to be inside and it will take a month or so....With the herbs and supplements, it should help alot.

Please give me an update in 30 days...
Marie Peppers  LPN MA