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My hamsters eye!! please respond!

18 15:08:43

Hello. I just got my hamster 5 days ago. He is about 8 weeks old. Today i noticed he won't open his right eye. It looks like he has conjuctive itis(?). Please help because his 7 day worenty ends on thursday so tommorow night, if you don't know whats wrong, i will go back to the pet store where i got him. I really love Tedi(my hamster). If he needs medical help, my parents probobly can't afford it. So i'd have to return him. He was my eary Christmas present, so i really hope he will be ok. He could have poked it on his wheel, or on his wired levels above him(3 levels)(lined with straw mats).

I would find someone, probably the people at the store, who can teach you about hamsters and look at the eye. If he does have conjunctivitis, he will need treatment. The pet store probably has some ointments that can help. Make sure by rubbing your fingers over every inch of his cage that nothing is sticking out. If you are using litter with the straw mats he could be allergic to that, so another type may help. You can get some warm water and see if he will let you hold a small cloth dipped in the water over his eye.
Dr. Chambreau