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Puppy nighttime crying/crate soiling

18 15:41:30

We have a 4 month old puppy (Shih Tzu/Bichon Frise mix)who has been home with us for 10 days and she can't settle down for the night in her crate.  She loves it during the day, but at night she becomes agitated--barking, yowling, and 3 of the nights she's also defecated in it.  She has also urinated in her crate at night a couple of times.  We have her on a consistent feeding and housetraining schedule.  We don't want her to think she can get us to her by behaving this way!  We know she can make it through the night, potty-wise, as she's done so all the other nights (though she still barks and yowls).  She's so sweet and we love her, but this is driving us crazy!  Thanks, Kate

I would recommend Comfort Zone Diffuser to help her anxiety.  You can put a 2-Liter bottle filled with warm water and wrap it with a towel for her to lay next to.   Make sure her last feeding isn't after 6 pm, and take her outside as late as possible to do her business before putting her in the crate.  And make sure the crate is in another room so she can't see you.