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Problem with cat urinating...

18 15:48:27

I have a male cat who is about 4 years old.  He is fixed.  For the great majority of the time I owned him he has been perfect. He would always use the litter box.  About 2 years ago I got a seocnd cat.  Then from time to time I would see that a cat would urinate on the futon that was next to the litter box.  I moved the litter box into a room with nothing near it and the problem went away.  I moved and only took one cat with me (divorce) and for the first month at this new place I have had no problems.  Where I live now there is another cat though.  Now we are finding a cat is urinating on clothes, rugs, and various places in the house.  I know it must be my cat as my roommate has never had this problem and his cat is like 8 years old.  

Why is my cat doing this?
Do I need to move his litter box into my room and make sure he is the only one who uses it? (is this why he is urinating)
Does he maybe have a bladder infection?  He seems physically fine.

As much as I love him, I cannot continue to tolerate this.  Some of the things he has urinated on are very expensive.

Please help with any advice you can give.

Thank You!

First of all, you should have a urine sample checked to rule out any underlying medical problem such as infection, crystals, inflammation or Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease.   And it could be either cat that has a medical and/or behavioral/anxiety problem.

Secondly, you need to modify the enviroment.   There should be ONE MORE litter box than the number of cats in the house.  They should be scooped daily and cleaned out with hot soapy water weekly.

I would also recommend getting CAT ATTRACT LITTER to try to draw him back to the litter box   ... info can be found at

And, lastly I would highly recommend FELIWAY or COMFORT ZONE plug-ins to help with the inappropriate urination as this will help reduce stress and anxiety in the household between the two cats.