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effects after sedation

18 15:14:32

My dog is a maltese, she is 13 years old recently she had continuous fits so we decided to take her to the vet. Not helpful at all!!!!! all his suggestions had no soultion so we decided to go with sedation. They kept her for two nights and when we finally took her home she was weak, dizy, vommiting, restless and howling. It has now been 4 days and she has had no fits, but she is still weak, passing stool around the house and sleeping for long hours. I just dont feel she is the same and im starting to worry. I know she is old but are all these effects normal after being sedated please help me!

wow Stephanie -  yes, the sedation could have hit her hard and her liver is having troubles filtering out the sedation.
Would you like to try some natural help?
Let me know...I can suggest some vitamins, oils and supplements.

Best wishes
