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How do you treat cats and...

18 16:06:00

How do you treat cats and dogs with bumps on their bodys?How do you treat dogs and caats with scabs on their bodies?How much does the medicine cost and where can you buy it?Please right all dog and cat general health care and dental carre information!Please write everything you know!Thank you!

Do you mean tumors?  If so, we either monitor them or surgically removed them.  If you mean hives, that is from a allergic reaction from something like a bug bite or bee sting and we treat with antihistamines such as benadryl.  Dogs can also get bumps from skin infections and flea bites.

For scabs, it is important to find the underlying cause....most times it is due to flea bites; therefore, we apply Advantage and give something to reduce the itching like antihistamines or steroids.

I can not comment on price because that really depends on where you live and what type and weight of pet you have.  If your pet is having bumps and scabs on it's body, then you need to take him or her to the veterinarian for an examination, diagnosis and proper treatment.

You can visit for information on dental care and go to for general health information on dogs and cats.