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puppy problems

18 16:12:40

my puppy just started having runny bm's and has vomited once tonight,is she sick? she is 7 wks old. she eats pedigree but not very much,she is a min pin and she is drinking water. I did give her some nical today and a few (3) yogurt drop treats.

Hi Erica!

Diarrhea can be common in puppies especially if they are fed lower quality diets. Pedigree is OK, but not the best.

Have your puppy seen by the vet. What they will do is run a fecal sample to check for intestinal parasites (all puppies tend to have them). Parasites can cause the vomiting and diarrhea.

If the diarrhea has blood in it, then it could indicate more problems such as Parvovirus. But before you panic, go ahead and schedule a routine sick puppy visit.  Medication and a diet change by your veterinarian can help! :)

Good Luck!