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Cat is afraid to come inside and has rapid eye movement

18 15:22:13

My husband had this outdoor cat when I met him, it was born under his deck. She never stayed inside for long periods of time, but a couple years ago she started getting totally freaked out inside the house. She stands at the door like she wants to come in but then just runs away when you open it. When we do get her to come in she immediately gets nervous, starts having rapid eye movement and wants back outside. Once in awhile she will be ok for about 20 minutes or so IF you are petting her but once you stop petting her she b-lines for the door. She is part siamese.

We used to have a dog that would keep her company but he recently passed so now I'm worried that she is a very lonely outdoor kitty :( I can't even believe she mostly stays in the backyard.

Please forgive the lateness of this answer but my Internet connection has been down completely for two days.

I am not really sure if you are asking me a question here. I hear a story about the cat but no question.

There really is nothing you can do except be quiet and slow moving around her when she is in the house. Start feeding her and quietly petting her while she is inside. If she has lived under the house or outside for a long time, (you didn't state her age) then she may never be less then half feral. If she is that lonely then she will start seeking out more attention from you and your husband.
Other than that I am not sure what advice I can give you.