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Possible sarcoptic mange--LIME DIP

18 14:22:15

Hi. My dog has what is thought to be sarcoptic mange, however no one is really sure because he has had it for 2 months and nobody in my family (4 dogs & 6 humans) have had any problems with their skin. I was recently prescribed the lime dip among other things, and my question is this: after I administer the dip and let it completely dry, is it ok to give my dog a bath to remove the horrible smell as well as the chemicals from his skin (he licks alot). I have asked many vets and they have all told me something different. Please help.

LymDip is usually used to treat ringworm and it has some effect on Sarcoptic mites. It needs to be left on the dog for at least 12 hours if it is going to to kill the mites. After that, you can shampoo the dog. This needs to be repeated weekly for several treatments. There are some newer LymDip products that tame the smell, but if your dog stinks, put the dog outside to remove the sulfur smell to your house.  There are better dips to use to kill sarcoptic mites like phosmet or amitraz.  Ivermectin injections can also kill sarcoptic mange mites without dipping at all.