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Bacterial Otitis Externa

18 15:47:26

Please help me!  My 9-year old Cocker Spanial has been diagnosed with Bacterial Otitis Externa in both ears at Ohio State University. The vets there want to do a bilateral total ear canal ablation on both ears.  This seems very extreme to me.  Is there anything else that can be done?  This seems rather radical for an infection!  She is my whole world, an obediance champion and a Delta therapy dog working at our local hospital.  She also has a external ear canal mass lesion AS which needs to be removed.  Please help me as I can't find anyone in my area (Akron, Ohio)who specializes in ears.  Is there any way I can talk to you?  Please respond. I understand youare excellent with ear problems and am frantic to find another way.  I don't want her to be deaf, which according to the BAER hearing test she is, but seems to hear me at times.   Please help me.  thank you so much.  I am more than willing to pay for any consultation you may be able to give me.  Sharon Wilson

The doctors at OSU are excellent and if they recommend surgery, then it is probably needed.  I know both Dr. Andy Hillier and Dr. Lynette Cole and they are highly respected in dealing with ears.

I have had some success with laser therapy within the ear canal to treat these Cockers.  Many of them have tumors in the ears which is why they get the bacterial infections.  If there is someone in your area with a laser and a video otoscope, they can laser the inside of the ear.  The only reason not to do this is if the ear canal has turned to bone.  In that case total ear canal ablation is the only treatment.