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pustule on shibas labia

18 15:19:53

My 10.5 mos shiba inu has 2 tiny pustules on the exterior of her lady part-labia. When she was in for her 5mos check up the vet kind of pressed it and said it wasnt a big deal-she only had one  then. A week ago i tried to squeeze it like a pimple and white pus came out and my dog screamed and took off...i couldn't get near her again to even put peroxide on it as she growled etc...i am just wondering if this is anything to worry about-she is pretty healthy otherwise-she got spayed about 5 wks ago. She did have a bout of vomiting a little while ago and diarrhea but it went away for the most part-she sometimes still gets diarrhea and am thinking it may be her dog food no longer working...Please advise about the pustules...they are small and not red or anything -you just see the white head..

Puppies get Staph pyoderma on the belly and private parts as they grow.  If it is not bad, then her immune system will make antibodies against it, which will protect her later on in life.  If they get more numerous or larger, then antibiotics amy be necessary.