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Skin disease on dog

18 15:43:40

I have an 11 year old Corgi-mix that has had an ongoing skin problem for a couple of years, one vet said its a yeast infection, another said its fungal, both put her on antibiotics and steroids, but neither did much to help. Mostly she is itching and all the hair is coming out on her belly and under legs and neck, the skin is real leathery and turning black and smells horrible like its rotten...i bathe her in medicated shampoo and also tried some over the counter fungicide and calm coat for mange and heat spots. i live in florida, its hot and she digs holes and lays in them all day. one vet said i may have to have her put down, i am wondering if this is the best thing, since i know she must be miserable, or is there another alternative i should try? thanks for your help.  

If it is a yeast/fungus infection, then antibiotics will not help.  What I do for these dogs is to evaluate WHY these skin reactions are there.  Is the dog allergic or hypothyroid?  Is there a food allergy or a skin parasite?  These things have to be evaluated.  

As far as treatment, shampoos that remove the dead top layers of skin like anti-seborrheic shampoos can be done 3X per week.  Antifungal drugs like ketoconazole or itraconazole are needed, but may take a month to start working. Steroid type drugs help relieve itchiness.  Talk to your vet about all of this.