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Spastic Cat

18 15:58:30

I have a 7 year old male cat.  A few months ago, he started acting out of control.  We brought him to the vet and treated him for earmites.  He seemed fine and then two months later, he acted out again (3 times in 24 hours).  My husband saw one of the episodes from the beginning.  First, the cat starts doing something with his tongue.  Then, he goes out of control.  He looks like a bucking horse.  At the same time, he drools.  The vet has drawn blood and checked for everything she can think of, all the tests have come back negative.  Do you have any ideas?  The pattern is that he acts out several times within 24 hours, then there is nothing for a few months.

Hi Christine,
 He might be having seziures! Mention that to your Vet. and see what she says you can do. He might need to be put on a medication or maybe needs an x-ray to make sure there is no tumor on the brain or something. Or you can even goto another Vet. for a second opinion there's nothing wrong with doing that. Take care and good luck to you.