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loosing hair

18 16:07:11

I'm desperate.and i apologize for bothering you.i understand u are a cat's doctor but this is about a dog....Samoyed...5 years old.
My question dog born with surgery in both legs.but his heair never grow back.i van live with that.but now he's loosing hair all over his body.lots of ugly bald spots......don't know what to do.......i'm typing for a friend's house.don't have the money for an office visit at the moment....Please give me a Tip......i will be thank u for the rest of my life....Thanks again and God bless you.

Laurencio Rodriguez.
San Antonio. Texas

There could be a number of things wrong iwth your dog like not getting the right nutrition in his food, it could be fleas, or it could be stress, maybe try giving him a flea bath or try feeding him extra vitamins theres something called brewers yeast that u can get from the pet store that is a good vitamin supplement