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dwarf hamster has a redish eye

18 14:56:05

I have a red-eyed dwarf hamster and just now when I looked at it, the fur around its eye is red. It's not sick because its behaving normally and its not acting weird. I just don't know what's wrong with the bloody eye. Is the red stuff on its fur blood?

Without seeing the hamster I cannot say for sure. The tears, like the saliva, have enzymes in them that turn the fur a rusty brown color. If it is rusty brown, then the problem is increased tear production or blocked tear ducts. If it is bloodier, I do not know without an exam. Small (less domesticated) animals often make themselves act as if they are well until close to death, so predators will not think they are weak and eat them.

Wipe the eye when you notice the redness, and record how many times the moisture builds back up.

The very best you can do is to call Dr. Yearout in WA. He does telephone consults and specializes in holistic and nutritional approaches to these small animals like hamsters. One call will help your stay healthy for as long as possible. 425-334-8171

Dr. Chambreau
PS - If you have dogs or cats, do visit my web site,