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my dog wont eat, but vomits and has diarrhea

18 15:19:40

My 11-year old schnauzer mix has recently stopped eating altogether. Four days ago, I took him to the vet when he began vomiting and having diarrhea near constantly, while refusing to eat or take water. The vet put him on anti-nausea medications and antibiotics, but he still refuses to eat. He will drink water but nothing else. The vet couldn't figure out what was wrong with him, and I don't know what else to do. I am reluctant to force-fed him, but I will if it comes to that. He was lethargic, but after the medications his energy level has come up a bit, although it's nowhere near what it used to be. I've tried offering him his favorite dry food, along with canned food, then turkey and bits of chicken. He'll smell it, then pull away and refuse to go near the bowl. He spits it our if I put it in his mouth. Please advise.

Get him back to the vet NOW!!!  Get bloodwork and a urinalysis done and another physical exam as a start.  Any dog that has not responded to conservative antiemetics and antidiarrheals within 24-48 hours has a more serious problem than just an upset stomach.  Your vet needs to diagnose the cause ASAP in order to treat appropriately. If you are uncomfortable with your vet or want a second opinion I would recommend asking for a referral to a board certified veterinary internist if one is available.

Good Luck