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Cats Tail

18 15:04:31

I have just noticed today that a cat we have had for about 2 months ( he came to us as a stray) has something wrong with his tail. I think this is new as I have not noticed it before. About the last 1 inch of his tail seems to be bent and you can see an area with no fur. You can see what looks to be a white tube in that area. Can you please help explain this. Thank you so much for your time.

I have no idea which end of his tail you are talking about and I have no idea what you mean by a white tube. I cannot see it so no, I cannot explain this.
However, most cats lose fur over place where they have been bit by other cats and most likely he is developing an abscess in that spot.

If that is the case you need to take him to the vet to have it treated.