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Cat Depression

18 15:51:09

I have 3 cats.  The middle cat (Mylo) has recently started to act as if he is depressed.  He sleeps all day, stays to himself and doesn't want to eat.  We recently added a kitten to the household (2 months ago) and also relocated to another state (3 weeks ago).  I am guessing that these changes are the problem.  I am trying to give him the most attention and even letting him sleep in the room with me and my husband. The cats have the entire finished basement to themselves with the cat condos, toys, etc.  Mylo doesn't want to be near the other cats.  I am extremely worried about him and need some advice.  

I would recommend a trip to the vet for an exam and some blood work to check organ function to make sure there is not an underlying medical problem that you are just assuming is depression.

For anxiety, you can purchase Comfort Zone/Feliway Diffusers as well as add some Rescue Remedy (or other appropriate flower essences) to the drinking water.