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dogs diet and teeth

18 15:40:32

I have a teacup chihuahua she white with dark pink eyes and weight about 2 1/2 pd. Her name is Winter and she will be 12 years old this oct.
She is spoiled rotten. And seems to be in pretty good health.  But she only has about 3 teeth left and her eating habits are getting worse.  before the only thing she would eat was the science dog food for pups/ rice and lamb.
but since she only has 3 teeth left.  the only thing she will eat now is warm oatmeal. she will not eat any type of dog food.  And she will drink some milk once in a while.  I Can get her to eat a hot dog, but this seems wierd.  I have to bite the hot dog up in little pieces with my mouth for her then she will eat some.  but if I cut it with a knife she will not. with oatmeal is she getting enough to nutrition?

No, oatmeal is not a balanced diet for dogs.  You can try warming dog food in warm water and softening it.  There is a food you can buy called Hill's AD from the vet.  It is a very high potency food for old dogs that is power packed with nutrition in a very low volume soft food.

If she is not willing to chew food, she may have pain in the remaining teeth, so the vet may ned to do a dental exam.  She may need antibiotics to treat the infection.