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Theres something wrong with my kitty

18 15:11:12

QUESTION: The other day my 1 1/2 yr old female attempted to vomit, but all that came out was a little water like foam.  Since then (about 3 days now) she's barely moved, will only sleep on the cold tile floor (she never has done this EVER before), she's not eating or drinking, and just this evening she urinated on the kitchen floor for no apparent reason.  When I tried to pick her up the first day she just made a strange sounding cry, but now she just lays there and when she's set down she takes half a step and lays back down.  I don't know whats wrong with her, but I'm really scared she's going to die and I don't have any money at all to take her to get treatment for whatever is wrong with her.  Is there anything I can do for her?  Please help, asap, because I'm really scared she's going to pass away from whatever this is.

ANSWER: Well Kat,
It does sound as if she is really sick. A cat this sick needs to see a veterinarian. No one can help your kitty over the internet. She needs to see a veterinarian as soon as possible.

You will have to find a way to get the money to take her in. Call around to all the local vets and find the one with the cheapest office call price.
Ask your folks, your friends to help out. Let them know how much she means to you.

Where there is a will there is a way- if you want her to have any kind of a chance you must find a way to get her to a vet.

There are so many things this could be. Without any history from you on vaccinations, whether or not she goes inside and out, if she hunts, etc- there is no way to even guess at this. But from what you are describing she is in pain and hurting. She needs to see a vet as soon as possible- like tomorrow or Monday.
I am sorry but this is beyond the scope of anything we can do online.


I understand that you are upset and I didn't mean to make you feel worse. Truth is I didn't tell you anything to 'make' you feel anything, all I did was express that if you try hard enough, you can find a way to get her some help. That is all I said.

I know you feel bad about no having any money until next week- that is the story of my life. I am disabled and do this for free.
But you are blaming me for your feelings when I only offered you options to give you a jump start to find some money. I know there are vets out there that will take payments or give you a chance to get the money together. I have been doing this for over 30 years- but I know what it is like to be dirt poor and not have money for a car repair also!

Yet I managed, even with kids, to get things done. I asked, I traded, I asked my Mom when she was alive or my other relatives and friends to help and they did.

I know you love your cat- I can tell by how panicked you were in your question. I didn't want you spending a lot of time looking for answers online when she needs real medical care. Cats that sound like what you are describing usually have very serious problems. I didn't want to upset you more by saying that, but wanted you to get on the phone with the vets around your place.

I am sorry you got upset over what I offered you and all I can say is that I will pray that your cat gets well so you don't have any more pain in your life and that you can find a way to help her before it's too late.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I'm so sorry for the comment I made towards you, I was stressing about my cat, and I overreacted, and was very rude, so I do apologize.  I just wanted to let you know I found a vet to take her to, but wasn't able to do anything for her, and so she had to be put to sleep.  Thank you for the encouragement to seek her help, unfortunately there wasn't anything that could be done, or that I could afford to do for her.  She was in intense pain, and now she isn't so I guess thats good, but she will be missed dearly.  Again, thank you, and I sincerely apologize for my poor behavior.

I am sorry to hear this news. Did the vet tell you what was wrong with her? It is so heartbreaking to lose a pet this way.

I understand that you were upset- I could read it in between the lines.
Thank you for writing back and I know how much you will miss your sweet girl. If the time comes in the future perhaps you can find room in your heart for a cat waiting for a second chance at love at a shelter.

In either case, I appreciate the reply and I hope that you can find some comfort in knowing you did the best you could for her and gave her the gift of ending the pain she was in.
Best to you,