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Becoming A Vet

18 14:38:07

Hello. I am a high school student who thinks going into the veterinary field is what i want to do as a career. If you have any advice for experience that i can get that might help with understanding more about vet life, i would love some ideas. Thank You! -Nathan

please search this site for the many times I have answered this question. Most importantly, go to the library and research all the holistic health for animals books. Read some at the bookstores, too. sign up for my newsletter and read old ones on my blog and my website. AND visit a veterinary clinic. Volunteer there as much as you can, or get a summer job there. You need to be good with people and love animals to succeed. Go to the FIND A HEALER section, below, and see if there is a holistic practitioner near you. Visit a veterinary college and see if they have a holistic club.

Here is some more:

In 7th grade I worked in the summer at the Air Force Base Veterinary Clinic for $.25/hour - yes a quarter an hour. I worked a lot - do not remember how much.
I learned to do fecal exams to look for parasite eggs. I was allowed to help with surgery and even do some stitching. I read veterinary text books. I learned how to empty anal glands. I learned how to listen to the heart. I decided to become a veterinarian when I grew up.

I am the owner of a homeopathic and holistic veterinary practice that includes speaking at veterinary conferences around the world, health food stores, breed clubs, dog and cat clubs, and many other groups. I also teach teleseminars and 2-7 day classes on holistic health for animals and homeopathy for animals. I teach veterinary technicians. I did not even know about homeopathy, so I did not expect this.

8.What do you enjoy most about your work and what do you find most challeging? I have seen a huge improvement in health when people follow basic holistic principles - only vaccinate for Rabies after the puppy or kitten shots, feed a raw meat diet, use holistic treatments from the beginning. I know a cat who lived to 35 and a border collie still alive at 24. If you do go to veterinary school, learn the holistic approaches before and after.
Most challenging is when I cannot heal animals or people come to me after trying conventional medicine first, so their animals are quite ill.
9.If you could give one piece of advice to high school students about planning their careers, what would it be? be specific.
Read books that help you examine what you like and what style worker you are. Myers Briggs tests and others will help with this. Think about what makes you happy - being with people animals, books, etc. Then list the jobs that fit you. Then work in those jobs. To get into veterinary school you MUST work at many clinics, so that is good for any career.
10.What would you have done differntly in high school, knowing what you know now about careers and work experience?

And Nathan - you are in the minority, so the veterinary colleges are seeking you out right now.

I love the field and would love to talk with you if you are really interested - 410-771-4968