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Pug Screams for no reason

18 14:33:23

Last night my pug out of the blue screamed like she had been hit by a car or something.  She wont stop pacing the floors now and when let outside she wont come back in.  She is obviously scared and having some pain.  Plan to take her to the vet as soon as they open but wonder if this is something that has happened before.

I cleaned her ears with something new on sunday and she didnt like it at all so I'm wondering if maybe its her ears but I just dont know

Since she isn't my dog I have no way of knowing whether or not this has happened to her before.

Dogs will scream from pain but most of them pant and pace. It might be her ears but most small dogs end up having knee or back pain from jumping off of things. Age has some effect- the older dogs have these issues more often.

You are doing the right thing getting her to the vets right away. :-)