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My Cats Sicking up brown liquid

18 14:33:23

my cat, Lady, has been sicking up for the past 10 minutes. at first it was hair balls and then it was food, now it is just brown liquid. what do i do and what could be wrong with her ? she is 7 years old.

Is she still vomiting, as in non-stop vomiting? If so then you need to rush her to the vets. This can be very serious. If she vomited for a while and has now stopped then just watch her for a short time. If she starts to vomiting again get her into the vets asap.
Vomiting that long can cause dehydration very quickly and that can get seriously dangerous very fast.
Cats are not very big and don't have a lot of reserve, so this needs attention immediately.
Do not hesitate, call your vet now and get her in there- even if it means taking her down there without a call.  Just go!!