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yeast in ear

18 15:54:26

my teacup poodle has very frequent ear infections. My vet said it was yeast. We keep treating it with otomax but it always returns. I do not let water get in when I bathe her. A breeder gave me a receipe to makeup and she swears it works but I am hesitant to use it until I check with you. Receipe is 16 oz. Isopropyl Alcohol, 4 Tablespoons boric acid, and 16 drops gentian violet. she recommends treating ear with this solution twice a day for up to 2 weeks, the once a day for 2 weeks, then once a week for 2 weeks and finally once a month. Do you feel this is safe thing to do?

I don't think you would hurt the ear with that formula unless the ear canal is irritated or if the eardrum is ruptured.  There is alot of alcohol in that formula.

If the yeast infection won't go away, there is most likely an underlying skin disease that is not being treated.  Most commonly, environmental allergies or food allergies cause these chronic yeast infections.