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cat with bad mouth

18 15:46:34

Dr. Fry,

I have been taking care of an old cat for an elderly neighbor.  The cat comes to my home everyday to be fed.  The cat has never looked very healthy.  He is over 15 years old.  Since he has came to my home to eat he has filled out but yesterday he started acting very odd and his mouth looks strange.  He always has had a tooth hanging down like a snaggle tooth.  He tried to bite me last night which he has never done.  What are some of the things that can go wrong with a cats jaw? Thank you for your time.

He probably has a significant degree of dental disease and infection in his mouth--maybe even a tooth abscess.  Sounds like he needs to go to the vet for an exam.

Be careful because if you get bit, you will end up with a nasty infection!  Not to mention concern about Rabies if he is not up to date on vaccines.