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hormonal distubance in my female lab

18 15:57:50

I have a 2yr old Choc Lab (english) and she has recently started her 2nd false pregancy. I think. She is whiney, swollen mammary,mounds her bed up every time she is left alone, but also has a light rash on her lower abdomen as well. She is eating ok and is active but is sleeping heavy as well. It has lasted now over 14 days, and the last bout lasted well over a month. Can I relieve her with anything natural, and/or change her food? She is on a high quality natural food, Liver and chicken 'Dick van Patton's' nature choice dry only.

I would highly recommend that you have her spayed which will eliminate the false pregnancies AND FYI unspayed females are more likely to get breast cancer, endometriosis and pyometra.  I would also recommend some blood tests to make sure her calcium levels are normal and that she does not have any underlying organ disease.

You can apply compresses to her mammary glands to help with the swelling.  

I am not aware of anything "natural" that will change the symptoms of false has to run its course