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chewing paws

18 14:41:44

QUESTION: my dog is 11 years old. we re-homed him 3 weeks ago from a charity. Since we brought him home he constantly chews his front paws and is making them very sore.  He is not constipated (I was advised that this could be a reason).  our vet could only suggest that it might be an allergy, but if so then why only his front paws?

ANSWER: Dogs lick and chew for numerous reasons Diane, and not all of them are logical. Some lick or chew from pain, which is more common, and they lick they feet because they are within easy reach.
How is he making them sore and which part is he licking or chewing?

If their hips or backs or front legs hurt from age-related arthritis, they are going to lick their front feet. Chewing to excess can be related to pain as well- or a nervous compulsion.  
Nerves is another reason. Being re-homed at this age could certainly cause anxiety in any dog. In that case there are medications that can help him.

Allergies are one cause, but they also usually break out with dermatitis on their back and near the tail if it's allergies.

Food allergies or intolerance don't normally manifest this way, so it's doubtful that it is the cause.

I think your vet needs to look a bit deeper than this fairly vague remark.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your advice.  He is chewing his paws above the pads and has managed to remove most of the hair and the bald patches are very red.  He is chewing 1 foot more than the other front paw.  When we took him to our vet and he suggested an allergy he gave him a steroid injection, he stopped doing it for approx 1 week, then started again. We don't want him to keep having steroids.

We are now trying to distract him as much as possible, and we are applying tea tree oil which he doesn't try to lick off.  If it is anxiety related do you think he will stop when he feels secure?

Barring it being arthritis pain and an allergy (both quite possible) I would say that he is most likely not going to stop licking/chewing on his own without the use of allergy shots and/or drugs. Steroids are not going to harm him at this age.

If he was on them every day, for months and months then he might get other side effects but an injection now and then will not harm him.

You can try Benadryl once or twice a day but it tends to make them sleepy. The allergen might lessen as the seasons change. He might also be allergic to something in the house, such as cigarette smoke, wood stove smoke, certain nylon and wool rugs etc.

Some dogs will manifest a food allergy this way but that is not as common. Grasses outside will also cause this especially if he isn't used to that kind of grass.

This is going to be a trial and error issue where you are going to have to make some changes in some areas or get rid of rugs, etc, keep him off the grass or what ever seems to be bothering him.

Atopic allergies are ones where the dog is allergic to many things and some are inhalant allergies. Dogs with atopic allergies tend to have red, raw skin in patches or around the back and feet. Some just itch a lot.

Work with your vet and hopefully the two of you can come up with a plan that makes him feel better.

You are a good pet owner and bless you for taking him in.