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dog food change

18 14:27:58

I believe my two dogs, a stanfordshire terrier and a labrador retriever are getting tired of eating the same canned food and dry food combination. They are 10 and 11 years old respectively. I wan't to start feeeding them cooked ground beef.  Is this bad for their health?

Hi Wilfred,
In our experience it isn't the dog that gets tired of the food, but the owner who feeds the same ole thing everyday. Dogs not only don't care, but they need to be fed the same thing every day or they run the risk of developing some very painful and possibly fatal conditions such as gastritis, pancreatitis and intestinal woes to name a few. Ground beef is a really bad choice to boot. It is the highest on the allergen list, it is fatty and can cause major pancreas and liver problems.

Dogs are just built that way, and so are cats actually. Introducing any new food is risky, and at their age, you don't want to be fixing something that isn't broken.

So it's not what they want that is the issue, but what you want- and I am here to tell you to stick to the trusty routine that they expect and feel good about. You will not be sorry!!