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help my dog is very sick

18 16:06:05

My dog has lost feeling in her back end and is drooling and its getting bad real fast she now can not pick her head up,I'v calld all kinds of vets and they say it sounds like poising.they will not help me or tell me what to do cause i have no money,please help !

Tammie, how old is your dog?  How long has she been acting like this?  Can you ask a veterinarian to hold a check for you?  See if they will work with you?  It does sound as though she has gotten into someone poisonous.  Veterinary attention will be needed immediately.  Just take her in somewhere and worry about payment later...veterinarians take an oath to help ALL animals.  Let them know that before you leave.  Your dog can not just go on like this as it sounds as though she is deteriorating very quickly and will die without treatment.  They can not refuse you.  Please let me know how she does.  My email address is