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Shitz Zu shaking

18 14:50:01

I am just looking for some thoughts on why my little dog trembles when she is eating.  We have 3 other dogs and myself I think she is intemidated (sp) by them.  We give them all chopped up chicken at dinner time and we had some problems with the other dogs trying to get her food so now I take her to another room to eat.  She does eat after some coaxing, but she does finally eat but she still trembles.  Some times we have to feed her one bite at a time.  OH and she will not eat out of a bowl.  We have to dump it on a napkin.  Do you think it is because she is scared of the other dogs?
Thank you in advance for your thoughts on this.

I would shake too if I knew two other dogs might steal my food. I hope that chopped chicken isn't her main meal or main food. You might have less problems with food aggression if the dogs were eating plain dry dog food.

Chicken doesn't add anything to a well balanced diet except more protein which is not good for their kidneys.

You said that you had some problems with the other dogs trying to get her food so I would have to say that answers the question- she is terrified they will try and get it again.

I think you are inadvertently creating a problem here with the potential for some serious injury to one or more dogs.