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My cat acting weird

18 14:31:31

QUESTION: Hi there
This morning my cat was not acting herself she was not moving and not drinking we tried to give her some grass, and water. When we picked her up she was meowing when you touch her stomach. please help

ANSWER: I don't understand why you would try to give her some grass but if she is still sick then you need to call a vet. Cats will sleep for long periods of time but if they are lying around and not getting up or drinking water then she could have an abscess from a cat bite, or she might have hurt her leg or back.

If she goes outside she could have been in a fight or been bumped by a car.
Without knowing her age, or if she is spayed or if she is vaccinated all I can recommend is that you call a vet right away.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: She is not an outdoor cat, she threw up last night,some cat food,and this morning she was throwing up saliva...she wasn't interested in eating or drinking this morning! The reason we tried giving her grass was because cats eat grass when they have an upset stomach! She is better now, eating and drinking..but I was wondering could hairballs do this to cats?

Only if they are so large that she can't pass them in her stool. Cats with a lot of hair will have hairy stools because they pass most of the hair that way.

Cats will eat grass to make themselves vomit but good luck getting one to eat it when you want it too!

Could be what she is eating as well. Cats do get gastritis, and other digestive diseases from bad diets, and like us, just develop them.

The most important this to remember is to never let your cat go more than two days without eating. This can cause some major liver issues, especially if the cat is overweight (which yours isn't, I am being general here).

File that away for later! I am glad she is feeling better. You might want to put her on Science Diet Indoor Cat formula which is made for cats like her. It helps with hairballs and dental care.

It is high quality food made just for indoor cats.Glad she is on the mend!