Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > ROTTWEILER AGE 10


18 15:11:11

We have a rottie age 10, Sugar, who has for the last several days not able to use her hind legs. we took her to the vet, vet says arthritis. we can move her hind legs, she appears to be in no pain until we try to lift her up to take her outside. she is pooping in the lying down position but we have not been able to verify she is voiding her urine. she is eating pretty good. she has been given rimadyl since friday.  we recently lost our older rottie a month ago and sugar has been acting really lonesome and sad. she did not eat very well for a couple of weeks but her appetite has returned. we are very concerned since the vet did not xray her i'm afraid it may be more than joint issue. what would you recommend? thanks for your help. i can't bear the thought of losing my other girlie girl.

Sherri -

I recommend that you ask your vet to do bloodwork and take radiographs.  There is obviously something wrong if your dog is so sick that she will not get up to poop and to urinate.  Dogs will not poop while lying around unless they absolutely cannot get up.  Dogs have a certain amount of dignity and they will not just lie there and use the bathroom on themselves if they can help it.  

Often, if the diagnosis is reached within a certain time frame, some disease processes can be treated and the pet can have a good quality of life.

Have your pet checked as soon as possible.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM