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New dog crying at night

18 15:42:44

My husband and I recently adopted a 5 y/o female greyhound.  We've only had her a couple of days and she is a great dog except for one thing....she does not like to be confined at night.  Because we have another adult male dog and because I don't feel I know her well enough to know that she would be safe,  I do not want to give her free run of the house when I'm not home or at night.  I also don't want her,  at least initially, to sleep in our room because we take approximately one week trips every other month or so which means she MUST get used to sleeping alone.  At this point I've baby gated her in a laundry area which has ample room for her but she whines, cries and barks all night.  On the one hand I hate for her to be so anxious in a brand new home but on the other hand I feel like if I let her out I have taught her the crying and barking get her what she wants.  Am I causing her any physical danger to just wait her out?  I've tried treats, toys etc while she is there but she is totally NOT interested.  In fact,  I have been feeding her in the laundry room and now because of her night time experiences she doesn't even want to go in there to eat.  I have left her for short periods of time trying to gradually let her know that I AM coming back but it doesn't seem to have helped.  I feel so guilty that as a track dog she had such a confined life but am I wrong to expect her to be able to be alone at night?
ANY suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I would recommend getting the DAP diffuser to help ease some of her anxiety as well as giving her RESCUE REMEDY.

If the dogs are fine together during the day, they should be okay to be together at night and I sure the company from the other dog will help ease her anxiety too.