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Cat licking walls & radiators

18 15:13:40

My daughters cat is 10 yrs.old, an indoor cat living in NYC.
She had been bored since moving to NY 6 yrs ago as this apt doesn't provide enough stimulation.  She is blind in one eye from cataracts.  She had now taken to licking the walls and the radiatiors!  Does this indicate a problem beyond boredom, will it create a problem with whatever she is ingesting, what do you recommend to allelviate this behavior?  She is a Siamese bought from a pet shop in Egypt (!),was taken from her mother way too young I believe and bonded intensely and exclusively with my daughter.  Beyond extra attention which my daughter tries to provide, is their any other stimulation you can suggest?  thank you for any advice you can offer...Dinah

Dinah -

Sometimes adding another cat can help boredom but that would depend on whether or not the cat welcomes other cats.  Siamese cats can be very territorial and sometimes will not allow another cat into the household.  

Some experts recommend hiding food and snacks around the house to rekindle the cats' desire to hunt for food.  This will keep the cat busy for a while.

Your daughter may want to have her cat's bloodwork done. Eating strange things (called pica) may be a sign that she has a vitamin  deficiency.

Giving her feathered toys and catnip may keep her busy, too.