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weaning kittens

18 15:43:19

I have a six week old kitten, and she was abandoned by her mother like over 3 weeks ago so she was on a bottle, and she wasnt weaned at all and so now I am trying to get her to eat solids and she wont, she refuses and cries.  I have put milk in with her food, I have also tried using soft food with a little bit of warm water.  Any tips?  Also, she is constantly peeing on the floor and getting litter all over her and it is driving us nuts because it is so gross and it is just all over, how do I get her to use the litter box?

The best thing is to try human baby rice mixed with meat baby food to get her to start on semi-solids.  Once she starts eating this, then you can start mixing some canned kitten food in slowly.  If she won't take it, then continue to feed her with the bottle for another week or so.

As far as the litter training, many times at this age, momma kitty still cleans them up.  Therefore, I would recommend keeping her in a crate with a small litter box for a few more weeks.   She is a baby, and babies do make messes!  Be patient.