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Cat died

18 15:03:04

My dear cat was found dead yesterday outside our home.  I'm trying to determine if he was hit by a car or if he had some sort of medical condition that caused him to die.  He was alive yesterday morning.  I petted him several times.  He was quiet like he usually is but I thought I heard him make a few strange breathing or sneezing noises right before I got out of bed.  It could've been my other cat who has a cold but I also heard him make a funny breathing sound once or twice at bed the night before.  Upon finding his dead body, I noticed a sort of bloody mucus around his nostrils, his mouth slightly open and tongue turned.  He was lying on his side in the grass.  I felt around his body to see if I could find any broken bones.  I didn't notice any other trauma other than the blood tinged mucus around the nose.  How do you thing he died?

I am very sorry to hear about your loss.
It is hard to say what he died of without looking at your cat. You can always take him into the vets and have them do a necropsy, which might determine the cause of death.

He could have very well been hit by a car, an all too common and very sad occurrence. They only need a glancing blow to the head to be killed, and you could possibly see blood in the nose and mouth.

Cats don't get colds, but they do get viruses if they are not vaccinated. These rarely cause death unless they are viruses such as leukemia, FIP, FIV and distemper. But some of the lesser viruses such as calicivirus, rhinotracheaitis, etc,  can certainly lower a cat's immunity to the more fatal ones.

So get your remaining cat examined and vaccinated. I hope that you find the cause and I hope your other cat gets well soon.